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April issue

  • First Quarter Sun Life Compliance News – Download
  • Webinar recording available - Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act - Watch now
  • Mark your calendars for the 2024 High-Cost claims report - Register now
  • Sun Life + Workday - Video
  • New partnership with UKG, ADP Nationals and bswift! - Find out more
  • Enhanced coverage around gene therapies for self-funded employers - Learn more
  • A new twist on preventive dental care brings value while helping with overall health - Find out more
  • Preventive dental care can help manage long-term health costs and supports overall productivity - Find out how
  • Sun Life’s clinical interventions improve mental health and wellness for eligible members - Learn more
  • Sun Life simplifies access to Maternity coverage - Speed things up!
  • Are you communicating available services to your employees? - Find out more
  • Health Navigator: A focus on member engagement - Learn more
  • Important PFML reminders and updates - Read them now

First Quarter Sun Life Compliance News

Download Sun Life’s COMPLIANCE NEWS authored by Sun Life Assistant Vice President & Senior Counsel, Marjory Robertson, JD, and Senior Counsel, Abigail O’Connell, JD.

Included in the First Quarter 2024 Newsletter:

  • Federal Leave and Accommodation Activity.
    • Awaiting the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PFWA) Regulations
    • State of Texas Challenges the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PFWA)
  • New and Amended Unpaid Leave and Accommodation Laws- CA, OR
  • Developments in Paid Leave Law – CA, MD, MA OR, WA
Download now

Webinar recording available - Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act

Sun Life’s Marjory Robertson, AVP & Senior Counsel, and Brittany Lambert, Accommodation Consultant Lead, Group Claims, shared common sense and practical lessons to be learned from the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act (PWFA)'s final regulations from the EEOC. During this informative webinar held on April 22, 2024, they also provided guidance to help ensure compliance.

Watch the recording now

Mark your calendars for the 2024 High-Cost claims report

Our annual analysis will be coming out mid-may, and our team of Sun Life experts will be presenting June 5th at 11am ET on trends within the report, how self-funded employers can think about the insights, and what Sun Life is thinking about for solutions around these highest-cost claims. Mark your calendars for this year’s webinar on June 5th here.


Sun Life + Workday

Sun Life Link automates manual administrative tasks that can be burdensome and error prone. Watch how Sun Life Link connects with Workday to share real-time updates for billing, absence management and Evidence of Insurability delivered through an easier benefits experience.

If you're interested in setting up one of our Workday APIs please contact your Sun Life Client Relationship Executive.

Sunlife + Workday.PNG

New partnership with UKG, ADP Nationals and bswift!

  • With the upcoming launch of our UKG partnership, we've built an API connection with UKG Pro Workforce Management to deliver an automated way to create and update employee leaves that saves you time and reduces errors for an easy absence experience. Be on the lookout for more information soon!
  • We’ve expanded our ADP relationship with our new partnership with ADP National platforms that include Vantage HCM, Health & Welfare Service Engine and Next Gen HCM. This partnership offers waived implementation and EDI feeds and an EOI API that will be coming soon.
  • With our new partnership with bswift we're now part of their Integration Partner Program which provides:
    • Dedicated technology and benefit experts from bswift that support every aspect of building, managing, and positioning Sun Life products
    • A playbook and EDI templates that are available as a resource to support product build details and instructions
    • EDX and SSO connectivity

If you're interested in setting up one of our APIs please contact your Sun Life Client Relationship Executive.


Enhanced coverage around gene therapies for self-funded employers

For stop-loss clients with a no new laser policy, beginning with 7/1/2024 effective dates, lasers will not be applied for the cost of gene therapies. To learn more, click here for information on this coverage, for gene therapies approved today and any that receive FDA approval in the future. 


A new twist on preventive dental care brings value while helping with overall health

Sun Life’s SVP Marc Warrington shares a new way to help employees get more coverage for the dental care they need while stretching benefit dollars with Preventive Rewards.

Read more

Preventive dental care can help manage long-term health costs and supports overall productivity

Nearly half of all U.S. adults over 30 years old suffer from periodontal disease, a root cause of and an increase in risk for many medical conditions that cost billions per year in healthcare. Sun Life Dental VP Joi Tillman discusses how creating a mindset of prevention when it comes to oral health can help improve employees’ overall wellbeing and avoid future medical costs.

Read more

Sun Life’s clinical interventions improve mental health and wellness for eligible members

Read our first reports on the early outcomes for Sun Life members who participated in the clinical intervention programs provided by our partners Goodpath and AbleTo. We’re excited by the potential these outcomes could offer members, your employees, receiving disability benefits for MSK pain or long COVID symptoms, or for members receiving benefits for cancer. These clinical interventions are part of Sun Life's focus on expanding access to care and benefits.

Read the reports:


Speeding Hospital Indemnity Maternity payments with automation

Sun Life understands new parents may overlook some of their employee benefits. As a key element of our ongoing Claims integration journey, Sun Life has enabled a new mother’s Short-Term Disability claim to trigger her Hospital Indemnity Maternity benefits and pay automatically. This capability allows families to focus on their new addition rather than filing multiple claims, and provides more financial support at a very cost-intensive period of life.  

Learn more

Are you communicating available services to your employees?

Employees may be missing out on valuable services that can support their mental well-being or help with personal issues or events. It’s important to communicate these services throughout the year so they can take advantage of them.

Services you may have:

  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - helps with personal issues, planning for life events, or managing daily life
  • Self Care through AbleTo – provides access to digital tools that support mental well-being
  • Emergency Travel Assistance with ID Theft Protection - helps with emergencies when traveling 100+ miles from home and provides support from anti-fraud experts
  • Claimant Support Services with Online Will Preparation – provides access to counselors and financial or legal experts when a disability or Life claim has been filed, and a secure online site to create a will

Reach out to your Sun Life representative if you need communication suggestions.


Health Navigator: A focus on member engagement

As a leading provider of employee benefits, Sun Life recognizes the importance of educating employees on their benefits and how to utilize them. Click here to see how we partner with each Health Navigator client to increase benefit utilization through ongoing communication and customizable strategies.


Important PFML reminders and updates


  • Renewal reminder: Employers must renew their Sun Life self-insured and fully insured private plan exemptions through MassTaxConnect every 12 months or as otherwise directed by the Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML). Clients with a Sun Life private plan should contact your Sun Life representative for the appropriate confirmation form(s) prior to your private plan renewal date.
  • Reporting update: Annual reports for private plan clients are due to the state by 8/31/24. For our fully insured PFML clients, Sun Life will be filing this report of aggregate client data on your behalf. For Self-Insured clients, we will reach out with a template of information in July.


  • Reporting reminder: The due date for the HI TDI Reporting has been moved to August 2024. Sun Life will reach out to gather information from clients in late June/July to fulfill this requirement.


  • Reporting reminder: All CT PFML private plan clients were required to submit their PFML report to the state by May 1, 2024 for the reporting period 1/1/23 – 12/31/23. If you have not completed this task, please follow our instructions on how to download and complete the report.

On the horizon…

  • Sun Life is closely monitoring the rule development for the new 2026 PFML programs starting in Maine, Delaware, Maryland, and Minnesota. We anticipate offering both fully insured and self-insured private plan options, and will provide quoting and private plan processes as soon as they become available. In the meantime, please visit to learn about these new programs or see our Quarterly Compliance Update for additional state paid leave legislative activity and updates.

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Making care and benefits easier.


Sun Life
One Sun Life Executive Park
96 Worcester Street
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481

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© 2024 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481. All rights reserved. The Sun Life name and logo are registered trademarks of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Visit us at


Health Navigator is provided by PinnacleCare. PinnacleCare is a member of the Sun Life Financial Inc. (“Sun Life”) family of companies. PinnacleCare and its employees do not diagnose medical conditions, recommend treatment options or provide medical care, and any information or services provided should not be considered medical advice. Any medical decisions should be made only after consultation with and at the direction of the member’s medical provider. Any person or entity who provides health care services following a referral or other service provided does so independently and not as an agent or representative of PinnacleCare.

Group insurance and stop loss policies are underwritten by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, MA) in all states, except New York. In New York, group insurance policies are underwritten by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company (U.S.) (Lansing, MI).

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